They like the taste of our kittens...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Shut up bitch, Swallow:

Question of the day:
To swallow or not to swallow?

I always hear females talk about how gross it is.
How nasty it is to swallow.
How women that do swallow are disgusting.

My thoughts?
I guess I'm one of the disgusting ones.
One of the filthy females who love it.
Love how it feels going down my throat.
Love playing with the nutt on my tongue.
He likes watching it, so why not?

I don't really get the point of sucking dick...
I mean really putting in work,
and not tasting what you worked so hard for.
Working for a nutt that you won't even taste?
Lame ass bitches.

Get with the program, and swallow that shit.
Maybe some don't like how it taste...
if that's the case just make sure his dick is in the back of your throat when he cums,
swear you won't even taste it.
But you'll feel it...and he'll enjoy it.

If your willing to suck dick, what's so nasty about swallowing the outcome?
Swallowing isn't a special trick,
and it isn't only reserved for the "disgusting girls".

If you ask me it's the one thing that takes the least effort.
Why spit if it's already in your mouth?
Why make him nutt somewhere else?
Why waste it?

You worked for it,
so learn to love it.

Next time, remember:
Shut up bitch, swallow!



Reggie said...

All I can say is, respect my semen...swallow it. When men go down on women, we have no choice but to swallow.....if we're doing it the right way that is.

Oral sex is truly a gift from the Gods and lord knows that I've awoken many a day with a face that looked like a glazed donut.

If you're gonna do it, do it right.

1ManView said...

I've been with women who swallowed, and those who did not. The best head I ever had was by a none swallower. She didn't like the feel of the texture of sperm going down her throat. But she didn't let that keep her from sucking out the last drop of my seed. I didn't even realize she didn't swallow until one day i gave her an double load of sperm and she exit to the bathroom quicker then normal. She could hold your seed in her mouth and still suckle on the tip until you said you had enough. When she exit the room, you were to busy gasping for air to notice she was gone... Technique rules...

Poetic Estrus said...

Mmm, good to the last drop...

Anonymous said...

I wish i had a woman who swallows, i have one that tries but every time she finishes me off and gets in her mouth she gags. Maybe one day it will get better and then it wil be heavenly so now i will give her a cum facial every now and then. used to have one that loved that shit, man. She drank it like water, those were the days!